
Here Ye; Here Ye!

The Dragons have an announcement for all!

We have settled on the new, free writers event on the horizon!

Writers Conduit 2023 has been slated for June 23-25!

Panel opportunities will open in the next month or so. Updates are available through the website, on the newsletter, YouTube, or twitter as WritersConduit!

Follow, to catch up on Last Year’s panels.

What do you want to see for this year?

Our Volunteers are excitedly bringing things together. If you’d like to give us a hand, don’t hesitate to engage and reach out to get involved. We have a lot of opportunities available to work with us. The contact page on the site or any other means to reach out to a dragon would be beneficial.

Currently we are looking forward to bringing on a new Video Editor. We have begun working with an Illustrator to create original emotes and a variety of graphics for the event. What can you bring to the table team? We’d love to know!

Writers Conduit Writers Event Dragon Image


If you are looking for the team of Dragons you can visit this page: to find all of us.

Don’t forget that Writers Conduit will have monthly Writing Events and streaming tips on the twitch channel

In our current plans for the 2023 writers event are our usual fun panels, new guests, and giveaways! Do you have some ideas and suggestions? Feel free to drop those in the contact form or through Twitter! We’re excited to get YOUR thoughts.

Have you been part of the event in years past? We’d love to know your thoughts! Do you have ideas for June 2023? Don’t hesitate to let us know! We’re looking forward to connecting with you and seeing what fun we can bring about together for this year’s FREE Writers Event!


Volunteer Needed: Video Editor

The Writers CONduit IT Department is looking for a volunteer(s) with Video Editing experience to help with the 2023 CONduit video archive.

Duties include:

  • Editing out breaks and bumpers
  • Adding title cards and end cards
  • Splicing multiple videos together (example: Someone dropped stream part way through and had to restart, giving us two or more video files to work with that need to be made into one.)

Please use the Contact Us form or contact Lethann on discord.

AMA with Lethann

Ask Lethann your Writers CONduit questions